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Showing posts from August, 2017

The AI method - 4x4x4 Tutorial

Introduction The AI reduction method is basically the reduction of a 4x4 to a 2x2. This way of reducing implies no parity. The basic AI concept and the reason for this lack of parity is explained in this article . There are actual AI Cubes on the market, but this is not necessary for this kind of reduction. You can use a standard 4x4x4 cube and reduce the first two layers using the layer by layer method or as 4 corner blocks. You can apply Step 1 four times to get the latter done. After this is done (if you don't have an AI Cube) you can start with the tutorial below.  Furthermore, the only 2 things you need to know before starting this tutorial is (1) how to solve a standard 2x2x2 and (2) these two algorithms:  Rotating corner block: ( R' D' R D) (R' D' R D) Corner swap: ( 2R U 2R U' 2R) U' D (2R U' 2R U 2R) D' These algorithms should be executed by pretending you're dealing with a 2x2x2, thus turning two layers. The cube used...

Dayan Bermuda Cube - Earth

Concept The Bermuda Earth is the third puzzle in the Bermuda Cube series, produced by Dayan (after Mercury and Venus, in case you were wondering). It was produced in 2011 as a set of 8 puzzles, after the 8 (known) planets in our solar system. The Earth variant has 3 kind of faces: standard 3x3x3 faces on white, yellow and blue; big triangles on the green and red faces and a fisher face on orange. The big triangles result in bandaging, which gives the puzzle its unique look and solving strategy.  Personal experience Difficulty I don't consider the Earth variant to be that difficult. I don't have any other planets  in my collection yet, but I surely want to give them a go! I read some articles online and found that Earth is amongst the more easy variants, together with Mercury and Venus. The harder ones are Jupiter, Uranus... It seems like the puzzle becomes more complicated while moving away from the sun. Solving experience I solved the puzzle with the...