Introduction The Gigaminx is a great puzzle to solve, especially if it's a well-turning puzzle. Nevertheless, the solve of the Gigaminx, Teraminx etc. can get boring after a while. It consists of 12 centers which need to be reduced, each in the same way. Same story for the 30 edges. This is still reasonable on the Gigaminx, but can get tedious on higher order minx-puzzles. This tutorial might get rid of your daily searches for fun in the solving experience of puzzles of this kind. There are 2 thing I assume you know when you start this exciting adventure: you're able to solve a Megaminx and you're familiar with the AI reduction method. If the latter sounds foreign to you, you might want to consider checking out this article which explains this approach on a 4x4, or you can consult my 4x4 AI tutorial . Approach Reducing a 5x5 to a 3x3 with the AI method is no different than reducing a 4x4 to a 2x2. The only difference lies within the edges. Therefore, redu...
Every puzzle is solvable, once you unravel its secrets.
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